Sometimes job loss comes at a time when you are least prepared, and least able to handle it.
Sometimes you’re caring for a sick or dying relative, sometimes you’re struggling with physical or mental health problems, and sometimes there’s just a cascade of bad luck that has snowballed into a crisis.
When you’re having difficult times, it can be extra difficult to job search, especially as many times these crises result in barriers such as scheduling, transportation, childcare and more.
So if you’re struggling with your job search during a personal crisis, it’s best to know what free resources you have to rely on to get the help you need. Here’s the 3 best resources:
1. Local Career Center
Your local career center isn’t just the place with a copy machine! Your local career center has free resume writing services, free career counseling, free assistance matching your skills to available local jobs, and often times can help you access other free community resources you need. One great example of this is helping people access transportation for job interviews! And did I mention, all of this is free!
2. Temporary Job Placement Agency
A temporary job placement agency might not seem like an ideal solution, but often times they can help you if you’re in a bind and need a job right away. They do the legwork of networking with local agencies so you can give them your resume and they’ll find a job for you. Most temporary job placement agencies, such as Manpower, are completely free to use, and can often offer speedy placements.
3. Local Library
Your local library can also be a great place for job searching. They will have all the local papers with job ads, they will have computers free to use, and they of course have many books for free that can help provide job search information. Many libraries also act as community hubs where you can network, and often times advertise and connect people to community resources that can help through different types of personal crises.
Another very important resource to consider: your friends and family. You might be struggling, and that’s ok. Those closest to you most likely want to help, and there’s no shame in taking their help to get back on your feet. Many times they can even get referral bonuses if they help you get a job at their place of employment!
So if you are struggling and need help with your job search, please use the resources available to you!
And if you need someone to talk to:
For temporary assistance: